Tuesday, 3 March 2009

mail mail mail! Process

Today I and the Creative Media group carried on contacting our charities and organizations via email. I had trouble of not knowing what to write and reply back to my previous email.

My tutor Paul gave me an organisation based in Lewisham, it’s an organisation called Leaving Care Service which helps mentoring young teenagers who feels that they are in need for someone to care for.
They are currently doing an event to raise an awareness to support the campaign. I chose to support this organization and wanted to also help promote this event too many people.

I emailed the people that are doing the event, but I had problems on not knowing what to say because I was told the last minute what the organization was about.
I instead ask my Tutor to dictate some sentences for me to write on my email

Hello, my name is In Hoang and I am a student at Southwark College studying a Creative and Media Course. The unit that we are focusing on this term is called Interaction, which involves working with local charities and organisations.

It was brought to my attention by my teacher that you have an event coming up to celebrate your mentoring project. There are a number of skills I can offer you to support this event and would like to arrange a meeting to discuss this further at your convenience.

You can contact me on: in_hoang@hotmail.co.uk

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Sincerely

In Hoang

For my previous email for Youth Music, I also had a problem on vocabulary and sentence structure I instead got help from my Tutor

Thank you for replying to my email.

I am interested in helping to raise awareness and the profile of Youth Music through putting on an event, making a short film, designing a work shop for schools or any creative initiative that you are currently perusing.

I hope this makes it clearer.


In Hoang

I then started to email my 3rd community which is the Vietnamese/Chinese community helping elders age 55+ have a better life style as well as teaching young children how to read and write.

I was looking through the website and the only contact detail I had of them was their phone number. I’m a person who doesn’t like talking on the phone which can be a problem for me to talk to the community service. I planned out what I am going to say because I know many Chinese people hate getting pranked on the phone, I was afraid that they might think my phone call is a prank as well. I had second thoughts of talking to them in Chinese but that would cause a problem for me as well since it’s hard to speak something formal in Chinese to someone that you don’t know. I carried on looking at the website and googling up the community.
I then managed to find their email address and have decided to email them instead. But I also had another problem in emailing them because I couldn’t find the Chinese character, instead I went on to face book to get one of my other Chinese friends to help me write instead.

Hello, my name is In Hoang and I am a student at Southwark College studying a Creative and Media Course. The unit that we are focusing on this term is called Interaction, which involves working with local charities and organisations.

I am interested in working with Vietnamese/Chinese community due to the fact that i have the same ethical background that can help support and involve many people into the community.

There are a number of skills I can offer you to support the community eg. Help raise awareness for promotion, Making Short films or any creative initiative that you are currently perusing.

If possible i would like to arrange a meeting to discuss this further at your convenience.

You can contact me on : in_hoang@hotmail.co.uk

Yours sincerely

In Hoang

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